/english below/
Nach der Sommerpause möchten wir unsere queerfeministischen Filmabende mit Euch fortführen und beginnen im Oktober mit Başka Bir Dağ von Noémi Aubry and Anouck Mangeat, einer Dokumentation in der drei kurdische Frauen über ihre Kämpfe berichten.
Der Film wird auf Kurdisch&Türkisch mit englischen Untertiteln gezeigt. Eintritt frei, Spenden willkommen!
In Turkey, there is a proverb that says, “If one of your eyes is crying, the other one can’t laugh”. In the Kurdish regions in the east – curfews, blockades, Turkish army’s occupation.
Burcu and SInem live in Istanbul with a crying eye. They are going to meet with Ergül, in a little village in the Black Sea region, who participated in the revolutionary struggles of the 70’s that were stilled by the military coup of 1980.
Times are crossing but there is still war, repression and daily violence against which they’re standing up. Kurds, mothers, feminists. There’s resistance and solidarity in their words, their steps, their screams, in the rhythms of their erbane (percussions) against nationalism, war, and patriarchy. That’s another mountain, that they are climbing every day.
Bese, Bese, Bese ! Enough, Enough, Enough!
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