Wir freuen uns euch den Film BIKES TELL STORIES zeigen zu dürfen. Ein Film über das Lebensgefühl FAHRRAD. Der Eintritt ist natürlich frei (wir freuen uns über Spenden) und der Film in original Sprache mit englischen Untertitel (OmU). Moderiert wird die Filmvorführung von Gräfin Neu. Trailer zum Film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Na2hWuwsYh4
Die Film-Veranstaltung ist rauchfrei und findet nur im Veranstaltungsraum statt. In den anderen Räumen ist normaler Barbetrieb. The movie-event is non-smoking and takes place only in the event room. In the other rooms the bar is running as usual.
Passion. Endurance. Change. Fear. Rebirth. Dreams. All these motives are intertwined through six life stories filmed in six countries in Europe. Even though all different the heroes of the documentary are interconnected with cycling as a way of life. It represents a common thread that sparked and touched the points of life that they have never dreamt about achieving it. The heroes also tell a story about how time for bravery is when you’re scared of something. That’s how obstacles are broken. That the loss is real if we make it so. That dreams are in our hands. A change is the highlight motive that also connects all six stories, which illustrate cycling as a medium for self-knowledgement, therapy for the mind and body, something that inspires and motivates. This is a story about adventure, about two wheels and about life. It’s about all of us.

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